My Hero Cuckademia Chapter 2 Coming Soon

Deku’s problems with premature ejaculation lead to the young couple making arrangements that satisfy both of them sexually and emotionally. Deku will get to eat Mina’s pussy after she’s had sex, while Deku is not restricted from playing with other women. His established relations with Midnight and Momo will continue in their sexual forms.

Deku is literally cucked by three hotties at once. If this sounds like a recipe for drama, that’s because it is. As I’ve stated clearly many times, this comic is a tragicomedy that’s leading up to a massive tragedy, when Deku finally snaps. That’s one potential path this could go, but I’m not in charge of that. The characters decide these things, I merely channel their spirits!

But going forward, the sexual hijinks is going to escalate. The threesomes and sex parties and erotic photographing and bisexual partner swapping, plus other epicness will start happening soon! But in addition to the sexual content, I am writing storylines that will also build up a bigger plot. We are yet to find out who Ochaco’s new mystery boyfriend is. And what’s happening between Midnight and Himiko? What really happened at the robotics science fair?

I have plans to also bring Tsuyu and Mt. Lady into this sex fest, but no promises. I want to tell a simple and contained story, and introducing additional characters might convolute things, so I’m moving slowly with these ideas.

One more bit of news. We’re setting up to make the visual novel based on this story, which I was talking about earlier this year. Before getting into that, I wanted to build up something, so we have plenty of ideas and visuals to add to it. The game will follow the comic only loosely. Everyone is excited to be involved, and we’re doing nothing too complicated that would cause huge delays, so I think we’ll actually finish another game this year! Pray for us!

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