Personal Post: Less Ambition, More Shit Gets Done!

I’ve come to a decision. I had been prodding in a variety of directions these past years, trying a bit of this and that. But fact is, my body and my mind have limits. More limits than many people’s minds and bodies, in fact.

In that context, my problem has always been too much ambition. I like to stretch myself into a dozen directions and then few things actually progress. Pushing in any direction, you hit resistance. It’s natural.

I am still kinda doing that, but hitting the breaks regularly. Taking my weekends off, watching movies with friends and family, eating healthy, regular basic exercise, trying not to forget my meds, etc.

I’m rather happy being a small business owner. Top people’s lives aren’t that much easier, I learned that when working with a few famous hentai artists in my early days. I have no illusions, fuck fame, fuck being top dog.

Now, paradoxically, this whole epic hustle is reaching new heights, because I’ve slowed down. This year has been amazingly productive. Even with all the technical problems we’ve had with the websites and our game projects.

My decision is a lame one. I’m gonna keep doing my thing, my way. I miss nothing from my life really, except maybe the person who inspired me to become my best. She’s still not talking to me, but I’ll survive.

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