Let’s talk a bit about the novel. I’ve begun the writing of chapter 11, which kickstarts the next saga. This story is about existentialism, philosophy, critique of statism and human avarice, exploration of complex moral themes.
The project is out of place from the body of my work, hence why it has its own website. Because of the economic reality of how this kind of material is generally received, mixing it with porn makes little sense. I do hentai as a job, but my calling was always poetry and literature. When I do hentai commercially, the work leaves a part of me eternally dissatisfied.
This project is not really made to entertain. It’s a meditative work that explores the foundational questions of mortal life. As everyone in my family has suffered various illnesses and calamities over the years, I’ve had ample time and impetus to think about the essence of things. Such as, why anyone would want to live knowing their demise is encoded in them. When you really stop to honestly think about that question, a lack of answers can drive you mad.
The emotions you are challenged to find peace with as you read are things you usually experience only at the looming end of someone’s life, such as the life of a loved one. I have structured such ideas into something cohesive.