Fire Emblem Comic: Rekindling of the Flame Tribe

This comic is not sexy yet. It’s a big slow-burner. This is just a preview. Artist is Limn. Enjoy. Click the cover or this link to view the comic.

14.9.2023 – One Piece BDSM Hentai – Boa Hancock

Tamale and Paulecchi both drew a BDSM concept with Boa Hancock from One Piece. This will be a first test of our new publishing model. The size of these is only 1600px height, but you can get 3000px hi-res versions at a designated crowdfunding platform listed at… We won’t directly link to our chosen crowdfunding platform in posts, because if we’re banned like 3+ years later, the blog would be littered with dead links.

NEW! Scooby-Doo & the Secret of the Necronomicunt

naked girl comic cover parody humor comedy

What would an adult, naughty Scooby Doo series would look like if they didn’t race swapped everyone, had a fixation over Fred “white tiny dong” and were preachy as heck? Also, what does Velma’s cooter looks like? This is what “Scooby & the Secret of the Necronomicunt” tries to answer. Thoroughly.

Comic: Scooby-Doo & the Secret of the Necronomicunt

Continue reading “NEW! Scooby-Doo & the Secret of the Necronomicunt”

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2.9.2023 – Hentai Slut at UPS

Creampied at UPS office. See our list of best hentai games.